About us


    At Ship Street Surgery we are committed to ensuring everyone is treated with respect and dignity including all patients, their families, carers and our practice team.  


    In order to continue to be registered with our practice we are providing this guide to set out the type of conduct that is expected of all patients. 

    All patients are expected to behave in the following manner:

    • To be polite and respectful towards all individuals (staff and other patients).

    • To not make inappropriate or unacceptable remarks to any staff or other patients at the practice including any abusive remarks related to any individuals:

    • To not undertake any form of threatening abuse or violence towards any individual (staff and other patients) at the practice.

    • To use our services responsibly including:

    o To request urgent appointments only for genuine urgent conditions

    o To engage with any remote appointments, we may offer over the telephone (or video)/  

    o To attend face-to-face services where it is important to be seen in person, (including when physically able to do so, rather than requesting a home visit)

    o Attend all appointments on time

    o Cancel any booked appointments that are no longer required

    o Request repeat prescriptions in good time, ensuring that all items are ordered together rather than in individual lots 

    o Use our health care professionals time in an appropriate manner e.g. do not seek appointments for minor ailments that can be self-treated in the first instance.

    • To respect surgery premises and property.

    • To raise any concerns or complaints about your care or our services and that these will be investigated and responded to.

    Any patients who commit any inappropriate or unacceptable behaviours towards a GP, Practice staff, other patients or the surgery premises or property risk being removed from the practice list with 30 days’ notice. For serious cases, this notice may be 8 days. We will normally provide a warning letter which will be held on record for 12 months before issuing such a notice. 


    If you are unhappy with the treatment or service you have received from IC24, you are entitled to make a complaint. Feedback helps us to improve the quality of our service so please let us know what happened so that we might try and put it right or to explain what happened and why. 

    Who can complain?

    • A patient

    • A relative, carer or any persons who are affected or likely to be affected by the action, omission or decision of IC24 (with the consent of the patient and/or appropriate documentation providing proof they are able to act on the patient’s behalf)

    • A complaint can be made by a representative where the patient: has died, is a child; is unable to make the complaint themselves due to a physical or mental incapacity (within the meaning of the Mental Capacity Act 2005); or has requested a representative to act on their behalf (as long as consent is provided from the patient). This includes a Member of Parliament.

    When should you complain?

    • A soon as possible, while memories are still fresh

    • Usually, IC24 will only deal with complaints made within 12 months of the event, or within 12 months of you establishing that you had something to complain about. There is discretion to extend this time limit where it would be unreasonable in the circumstances of a particular case for the complaint to have been made earlier and where it is still possible to investigate the facts of the case.  

    How do you make a complaint?

    • You can make a complaint, in person, directly to a member of staff.

    • You can make a complaint by telephone directly to the practice by calling 01273 778622, and if you are unable, we will write down your complaint and any questions you would like to ask and send you a copy by it.

    • You can email your complaint to shipstreetsurgery@nhs.net

    • You can send a letter to:

    65-67 Ship Street


    East Sussex

    BN1 1AE

    • Alternatively, you may make a complaint to the Quality, Safety & Governance team at IC24. 
    • You can email your complaint to ic24.sussexqualityprimarycare@nhs.net
    • You can send a letter to:

    IC24 Ltd

    Kingston House

    The Long Barrow

    Orbital Park



    TN24 0GP

    What information do we require for us to investigate a complaint?

    • Your full name, address, email address (if you have one) and a daytime telephone number.

    • Your preferred method of communication.

    • The full name, address, date of birth and telephone number of the patient if it is someone other than yourself. 

    • We will need to ensure we have appropriate consent for us to investigate the complaint and send to those involved in the investigation on a need to know basis. 

    • Details of what happened (with dates and times if possible) and any questions you would like answered. We can help you do this if you are unable to do so. 

    • What outcome you would like as a result of raising your complaint.

    How we will handle your complaint

    • We will contact you within three working days of receiving your complaint to agree how your complaint will be investigated and obtain consent (if applicable). 

    • We will provide you with a copy of this leaflet explaining the process for making a complaint.

    • We will investigate your complaint as quickly and effectively as possible and your complaint will be passed by the quality, safety and governance team to the relevant manager for investigation.

    • We will keep you informed about the progress of the investigation.

    • We aim to provide you with a full written response or the communication method of your choice (for example a meeting, telephone call) within 25 working days from the date that we receive consent. If we anticipate a delay in responding, we will discuss this with you, the reason for the delay and negotiate a revised timescale. 

    • When the investigation is completed, we will contact you (usually via a written response) to let you know the outcome and tell you about any improvements that have already been made, or will be made, as a result of your complaint.

    Our principles for complaint handling

    When dealing with your complaint we will: 

    • make sure you are listened to and treated with courtesy and empathy at all times

    • apologise for how we have made you feel

    • promise that you are not disadvantaged as a result of making a complaint

    • ensure that your complaint is investigated promptly, honestly and openly

    • acknowledge mistakes where they have happened and apologise for them

    • use the feedback and lessons learned from complaints in our efforts to improve the care we provide.

    • analyse the themes and trends of complaints and share with the Integrated Care Boards (ICB) which will assist in improving our services. 

    If you are dissatisfied with our response

    • We would very much like to resolve your complaint at this stage. If you are not happy with our response then please contact us and we will discuss with you what else we might be able to do to resolve your complaint. These options may include the following which is the decision of yourself:

    o You can meet with us to try to reach a satisfactory outcome. We call this a Resolution Meeting. If you feel that it would benefit you to have someone to accompany you to such a meeting, and to put your views across/assist you in doing so, you can contact the NHS Complaints Advocacy Service. They are a completely impartial and an independent organisation. Their contact details are at the end of this leaflet.  

    o We would also be happy to prepare a further response or arrange for you to speak via the telephone with the investigator/manager to see if we might be able to resolve your concerns.

    • You also have the option of asking the Health Service Ombudsman to review your complaint. Contact details below.

    Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

    Address: Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP

    Email: phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk

    Website: www.ombudsman.org.uk

    Call: 0345 015 4033

    Useful Contacts

    Advocacy Services:

    If you would like any support regarding your complaint during this time, you may wish to contact your local advocacy service who will be able to assist you. Their service is free, independent, and confidential

    Brighton & Hove: POhWER

    Address: PO Box 17943, Birmingham, B9 9PB

    Call: 0300 456 2370

    Email: pohwer@pohwer.net

    Website: https://www.pohwer.net/

    Website: https://www.theadvocacypeople.org.uk/

    Care Quality Commission

    The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England.  They make sure that the care people receive meets essential standards of quality and safety and encourage ongoing improvements by those who provide or commission care. Members of the public may contact the Care Quality Commission at any time in order to inform them of any concerns. 

    Address: Care Quality Commission, Finsbury Tower, 102-105 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TG

    Website: www.cqc.org.uk

    Email: enquiries@cqc.org.uk

    Call: 03000 616161

    Healthwatch England

    Healthwatch England is the independent ‘consumer voice’ for health and social care in England.  Working with a network of 152 local Healthwatch, they ensure that the voices of consumers and those who use services reach the ears of the decision makers. They are unable to investigate individual complaints but they do monitor feedback and can also sign-post you to the appropriate organisation. 

    Website: www.healthwatch.co.uk

    Email: enquiries@healthwatch.co.uk

    Call: 03000 683000


    All members of our team at Ship Street Surgery are committed to the NHS and General Practice and aspire to provide high quality health care. We respect the needs and beliefs of all patients and always aim at providing the same high standards of care to each and every patient irrespective of their age, gender, race, cultural background, sexual orientation, disability, lifestyle and social or economic status. 

    Any threatening abuse or violent incidents will not be tolerated. Any such incident will be reported to the police and will mean your immediate removal from the practice list and your care transferred to a special allocation scheme which manages violent and aggressive patients.


    There are various schemes to help with health care associated costs. The following website provides you with more information: https://www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/help-with-health-costs/ Please note, we do not process any applications onsite. Each scheme on the website will outline the relevant contact information regarding how to apply and criteria associated.

    Paid for services

    Some certificates and reports may incur a fee. These fees are displayed in the waiting room areas, or ask a member of the reception team for more infomration.

Privacy Notice

View our Data Privacy Notice here:
IC24 Privacy Notice

The Data Protection Officer is Craig Christiaens and can be contacted at IGteam.ic24@nhs.net

Our team

Dr Stefano Capozzi


Dr Robert Wood


Vickey Watts

Practice Manager

Questions & answers

Have some questions about our Surgery? Find the answers below. 
  • What are the Surgery opening times?

    Surgery Closed everyday between 13:00 - 14:00 and  from 13.00-18.00 Thursday

    Monday: 8:30 - 18:00

    Tuesday: 8:30 - 18:00

    Wednesday: 8:30 - 18:00

    Thursday: 8:30 - 18:00

    Friday: 8:30 - 18:00

    Saturday: Closed

    Sunday: Closed

  • How do I provide feedback about the Surgery?

    Go to NHS Choices


    If you have consented to receiving text messages, you will  besent an invitation to provide feedback 24hrs after your appointment with us. This result is anonymous. 

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