The Practice operates an appointments system for both Nurses and Doctors.
The Practice recognises the right of patients to express a preference of Practitioner. If you wish to see a particular GP, please inform our Reception team when you make your appointment. We would like to promote continuity of care by encouraging patients to consult the same doctor for a particular health issue which is already being dealt with.
Booking an appointment
Appointments can be made by calling 01273 778622 between 8.00am and 1.00pm Monday to Friday and 2:00pm – 6.00pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
If you require an emergency appointment please telephone at the beginning of surgery that day (from 8am).
We offer a limited number of same day telephone or face to face GP appointments. We can also pre-book an appointment for a future date. The Reception team use a clinically approved navigation program which we use to ensure we book you in with the correct member of our clinical team for your condition, we have a multi-disciplinary team including pharmacist, musculoskeletal practitioner, mental health practitioner and social prescribers as part of our practice. In many cases these appointments will be available sooner than with a GP.
We may also be able to offer you either a GP, nurse or phlebotomist appointment in the evening after 6.30pm, or on a Saturday or Sunday. These appointments are based at other local GP practices across the city and may be more convenient for you to attend.
Online Consultation
If you find it difficult to telephone to request an appointment, you may wish to consider submitting an online consultation using the e-consult link below or by clicking here
An online consultation requires you to submit a detailed explanation of your issue. Please do not use the service simply to request an appointment or prescription. All online requests are triaged by the reception team. You may still be required to attend the surgery to see a clinician.
Cancelling an appointment
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please contact us as soon as possible on the telephone number above so we can make the slot available to other patients. Appointments unattended without prior notice will be marked as DNA (Did Not Attend)
If you arrive more than 10 minutes late to your appointment, you may not be seen and you will have to re-book your appointment. This will be at the discretion of the clinician and not the receptionist who will refer the decision to them.
Patient Privacy
We recognise that some patients visiting our practice may feel uncomfortable having to verbally share the reason for their visit with the receptionist.
We have therefore decided to introduce 'privacy slips' to allow patients to write down a brief reason for their visit on a piece of paper. Once your information has been dealt with, the receptionist will either return the slip to you, or dispose of it immediately in the confidential locked waste bin for shredding.
Patients can either fill out the slip in reception or print from our website using the link below to bring with them into the surgery.
Services d'interprétation/Послуги усного перекладу/Tercümanlık hizmetleri/口譯服務/jasa narjamahkeun/Adeegyada turjubaanka/Usługi tłumaczeniowe
If English is not your first language and you are having difficulty making yourself understood, you can request for an interpreter to accompany you to your consultation. This must be requested at the time of booking your appointment and Reception will be able to book an interpreter for you.
Please click on the image below to access the e-consult service to complete a consultation request. We aim to respond within two working days. Please note, this service may be temporarily unavailable if demand exceeds our capacity to respond.
Please do not use this service to request an appointment to speak to someone. Your request will be triaged by our trained receptionists to the most appropriate service to suit your needs
Urgent Assistance
If you have a life-threatening emergency and someone is seriously Ill or injured, please call 999
If you need urgent medical help that is not life-threatening,
please contact
NHS 111
Brighton Station Walk in Centre
There is no need to be a registered patient with Practice Plus Brighton Station to use our walk-in service, it is available to everyone in Brighton and Hove.
Our Walk-in Centre offers treatment, information and advice for a range of minor illnesses and injuries. It’s open every day 8am-8pm, including bank holidays.
Please note that the Walk-in Centre may be closed to any new patients presenting if there are already sufficient patients waiting to be seen to 8pm. Patients being turned away will be advised of alternatives.
Extended Access Service
Through our partnership with Brighton and Hove Federation, patients now have access to additional appointments from 18.30 to 20.00 weekdays and 09.00 to 17.00 Saturday and Sunday. These include remote and face to face GP appointments as well as appointments with a nurse, pharmacist or health care assistant. Specialist clinics are also being planned (e.g. menopause).
Please refer to the Federations website for updates. Access to these clinics is by contacting the surgery in the normal way. These appointments might be held at a different location to the surgery and are subject to availability.
The surgery telephone lines open at 8am for urgent requests, and our patients can access the surgery in person and for appointments from 8.30am.
Note: On Thursdays, the Surgery building is closed from 1pm, however, if you need medical attention and cannot wait until 8am next day please call 0300 5555252 (if urgent dial 999).