Requesting Prescriptions

Register for EMIS & Repeat Prescriptions

The Practice has a computerised repeat prescription service.

You may request your repeat prescription by either handing in your prescription counterfoil to the Reception staff or by posting it to Ship Street Surgery. Repeat Prescriptions are also available via EMIS - the online Patient Access system. To gain access to EMIS you will need to register your details to receive a unique User Name and Password. Follow the links opposite or you can contact the Surgery via the normal methods. 

With the exception of some specific medications, all prescriptions are issued electronically to your nominated pharmacy. You will be asked to nominate a pharmacy on registering with the practice. If you wish to change where you would like to collect your medication, please inform the reception team as soon as possible.

Please allow three working days for requests to be fully processed. We do not accept telephone requests for prescriptions in order to avoid any errors being made. 

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