Adult and travel immunisations are given by the Practice Nurse by appointment. If you are intending to go abroad, it is advisable to make an appointment to see the Nurse two to three months in advance to discuss the requirements. The Practice stocks a full range of holiday vaccinations and the Practice Nurse will give you all the necessary information. Please note that there is a fee payable for certain vaccinations, such as rabies and for anti-malaria medication. Childhood immunisations and vaccinations for older children are provided by appointment with the Practice Nurse. Please ensure that you bring the Red Book on every occasion so that it is kept up to date.
The Practice Nurse gives childhood immunisations by appointment during normal surgery hours. The Health Visitors also run well Baby Clinics and clinics for the under fives; details are available from the Health Visitors Team on 01273 294111. It is very important to keep up with the vaccination schedule to prevent the development of serous and potentially life threatening childhood diseases. Dr Gracia performs routine child developmental health checks at 6 weeks and 8 months of age by appointment.
Patients who are over 75 years of age or those who have not been seen by a GP for three years or more may telephone and request an appointment for a general health check, including blood pressure check and urine testing. This appointment will be with the Practice Nurse who may then ask you to see one of the doctors if you require further treatment or tests. The surgery also works with local pharmacists to provide a smoking cessation service. Once assessed by a local pharmacist (please approach them directly for an assessment in the first instance) the GP will then prescribe any medications they feel are appropriate for you. If you are unsure which pharmacists offer this service please contact the surgery who will be able to advise you.
A range of contraceptive services, including emergency contraception and annual oral contraceptive checks, are available by appointment with the Practice Nurses. A cervical smear screening service is also provided by the Practice Nurses by appointment.
The care of antenatal patients is shared between the GPs and the Community Midwives. Please ensure that you make an appointment to see your doctor soon after confirmation of your pregnancy so that arrangements for your antenatal care are made early. Our Midwives support Home Birth in appropriate circumstances.
Your GP or the Practice Nurse may request a blood test. These are undertaken at the surgery by appointment before 11.30am. For patients with a history of Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Stroke, and Thyroid Illness or on certain medications requiring regular monitoring, it is essential that blood tests are taken on an annual basis, so please ensure that you make an appointment with the Practice Nurse or Phlebotomist when reminded to do so.
The Health Visitors for children under 5 years of age can be contacted on 01273 294111. Their role is the provision of health education, advice and support to the parents of young children and the prevention and detection of ill health. They are also involved in the assessment of children’s development, and undertake parent craft teaching and health education work. Their role is to provide advice on health promotion and the specific needs of such patients.
The team of Nurses can be contacted on 01273 265860 between 09:00 and 16:00 Monday to Friday. At weekends and public holidays they can be contacted on 01273 693600. Their role is to visit patients who are confined to their home and need nursing care.
This team of Nurses ensure regular follow up and provide support for palliative care patients after initial referral by the GP.
This team of specialist Nurses ensure regular follow up and provide support for patients suffering from mental health conditions after initial referral by the GP/Psychiatrist.Counselling Services A Mental Health Liaison Nurse and a Practice Counsellor can be seen at Ship Street surgery after initial assessment and referral by the GP.
This service aims at providing a holistic approach to HIV care and includes annual checks, assessment of cardiovascular risk factors, blood tests, vaccinations, mental health assessment and support/counselling. Please make an appointment to see Dr Gracia at Reception.
This service aims at providing help, support and, when appropriate, counselling to patients who may be having problems with excess alcohol consumption. Please make an appointment at Reception to see Dr Gracia for an initial assessment.
This service which is run by the GPs, the Substance Misuse Service GP liaison nurse and local community pharmacists, aims at providing continuing treatment and support to patients with a known history of drug misuse who have previously been stabilised on maintenance therapy by the Specialist Substance Misuse Service. Patients who have not previously addressed their use of illegal drugs are encouraged to talk to their GP.
This service aims to provide a holistic approach to the management of such patients, to ensure regular follow-up and also, when appropriate, to provide additional support by the Practice Counsellors and Primary Care Mental Health workers.
This service aims at helping patients in the last stages of their lives to achieve the best possible physical, spiritual and social care in the place of their choice. It also provides additional support to the carers of such patients.
A free self-management course for adults living with long term health conditions – physical and/or mental - to learn the skills of self-management. More information about the service can be found: