If you would like to register with our practice and live within the postcode boundaries listed, please ask for a registration pack at Reception.
We also offer an online registration service, please click here:
Once registered, if you would like to register for online access, please click here
NHS App or alternatively
Register here for Online Patient Access
You may also need to fill out the Care Summary Opt-out form (only if you wish to opt out): more information can be accessed here: DOWNLOAD
Please note, depending on demand, it may take up to three weeks to process your registration request. You will receive a text message from the surgery informing you that you are registered. Will we only consider expediting registration under very specific circumstances. Please speak with a member of the reception for further advice.
BN1 (then 4th digit must begin with1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6)
BN2 (then 4th digit must begin with 0, 1 or 2)
BN3 (then 4th digit must begin with1, 2, 3 or 4)