A small amount of funding has been secured to pilot a model for a Women’s Health Hub in Brighton & Hove for six months. The pilot will be starting at County Oak Medical Centre for one session per week but we may be able to expand to a second site over the next three months.
The purpose of this pilot is to provide a one-stop shop for women presenting with multiple health needs. The benefits of this approach are multiple, but the two main advantages are:
Women only have to travel to one appointment to address multiple needs
Women will only need to be examined once for multiple issues, reducing the discomfort/embarrassment of undergoing multiple intimate examinations
The service will be open to cis-women and trans-men over the age of 18 years. The core clinical services are:
menstrual problems assessment and treatment
menopause assessment and treatment
contraceptive counselling and provision of the full range of contraceptive methods including LARC
preconception care
breast pain assessment and care
pessary fitting and removal
cervical screening
screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
HIV screening.
This service will be staffed by GPs with extensive Women’s Health experience and DFSRH and FSRH Menopause qualifications.
All patients attending an appointment will also have a BP and BMI check.
Patients can request an appointment by completing the self-referral from on our website: Patient Services.
Patients will then be triaged and an appropriate appointment length arranged for them based on the issues they wish to discuss.