Message from Dr Tim Caroe
Chief Medical Officer for the Sussex NHS Commissioners
Across Sussex, more and more GP-led vaccination services are going live this week to add to those that have already started vaccinating patients in their areas. This is in addition to the hospital hubs that have been vaccinating and we are also stepping up vaccinations to care homes.
As a GP, I know how hard my colleagues have been working to step up the GP-led vaccination services as quickly as possible and they have made remarkable progress in the very short time we have had to mobilise this collective effort.
We recognise there has been some confusion around how GP-led vaccination services operate as it is a new way of working for practices. They involve groups of local GP practices and community teams working together to provide the vaccination to eligible patients across their local area at a location that has been carefully and specifically chosen as the most appropriate to administer the vaccination. This is a way of working that has been decided nationally and we have been working hard to step it up as quickly as possible across our local areas.
We recognise that some people who are eligible for a vaccination will have to travel further than others to a GP-led vaccination service. However, this way of delivering the vaccination is necessary at the current time due to the supply of vaccination available.
It should also be highlighted that it is vital for our population that, alongside the vaccination programme, general practice services continue to be available. There is a high volume of patients who need treatment and care across GP practices, as you would expect at this time of year. Some practices are not able to provide the vaccine and continue to provide general practices services, due to the nature of their practice. So this way of working allows some GP practices and community teams to deliver the vaccination for populations, while others can concentrate on continuing to provide other services to patients.
This way of providing the vaccination may change as different types of vaccine become available but for now the NHS is working within the national guidelines to ensure as many people as possible get the vaccine as quickly as possible.
It is fantastic to see more and more people who are currently eligible get vaccinated every day which is a real testament to the hard work and commitment of Primary Care and wider NHS staff.
Dr Tim Caroe
GP and Chief Medical Officer for the Sussex NHS Commissioners