"Extended Hours Appointments" is a pre-bookable NHS service where you will be offered an appointment at an alternative Medical Practice site to see a GP or other healthcare professional during the evenings or weekends.
Evening and weekend appointments are now available to book via our main reception number 01273 778622
(during our normal opening times).
In order to utilise one of these appointments, you will be required to give consent for a health care professional to access your medical notes.
The clinician will be able to view your health history and will be able to add to your notes so that your usual GP will have a record of this consultation. They will be able to prescribe medication if deemed appropriate.
Appointment times will be between 18:30 - 20:30 Monday to Friday, Saturday 08:00 - 14:00 and 9:00 -13:00 Sunday’s.
Same day appointment will be available on weekends only. Please call NHS 111 who may offer you an appointment at one of the Extended Hours hubs.
The Hub we are working with is based at The Broadway Surgery Wellsbourne Health Centre, 179 Whitehawk Road, Brighton BN2 5FL.
The site has free onsite parking. Also accessible by buses, nearest stop is on Whitehawk way in Whitehawk (site is a few minutes walk).
Cancellation or amendments to extended hours appointments must be made via the Cancellation line: 07540 745 730
or website: http://www.extendedhoursservice.co.uk/